Publications and preprints
- Algebraic K - theory of Number Fields and Rings of Integers and the Stickelberger Ideal, Annals of Mathematics 135, (1992), 325-360
- Generalization of the Moore exact sequence and the Wild Kernel for Higher K-Groups, Compositio Mathematica 86, (1993), 281-305
- Continuous K-theory, K-theory 9, (1995), 379 - 393 (joint paper with P. Zelewski)
- On the non-torsion elements in the Algebraic K-theory of rings of integers, Journal reine angew. Math. 461, (1995), 63-79 (joint paper with D. Arlettaz)
- Euler Systems for Higher K - theory of number fields, Journal of Number Theory 58, No. 2, (1996), 213-252 (joint work with W. Gajda)
- Editor of the proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic K-theory, Poznań 1995, Contemporary Math. 199, (1996)
- On the arithmetic of cyclotomic fields and the K-theory of $\mathbb{Q}$, Contemporary Math. 199, (1996), 7-18 (joint work with W. Gajda)
- On the map between K-theory of henselization and completion of some local rings, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 120, (1997), 161-165 (joint work with P. Zelewski)
- On the map between Homology of henselization and completion of some local rings, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 132 No 1, (1998), 3-9 (joint paper with W. Gajda and P. Krasoń)
- Mod $p$ logarithms $\log_{2} 3$ and $\log_{3} 2$ differ for infinitely many primes, Proceedings of the Second Polish-Czech Conference on Number Theory, Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 12, (1998), 141-148
- A note on Quillen-Lichtenbaum Conjecture and arithmetic of square rings, K-theory 16, (1999), 229-243 (joint paper with W. Gajda, P. Krasoń and P. Zelewski)
- On Galois cohomology of some p-adic representations and etale K-theory of curves, Contemporary Math. 241, (1999), 23-44 (joint work with W. Gajda and P. Krasoń)
- On products in algebraic K-theory, Comment. Math. Helv. 74, (1999), 476-506 (joint paper with D. Arlettaz and W. Gajda)
- Euler Systems for number fields, Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supple- ment II, (2000), 206-209, Kluwer Academic Publishers, M. Hazewinkel ed.
- On 2-adic cyclotomic elements in K-theory and etale cohomology of the ring of integers, Journal of Number Theory 82, (2000), 225-255 (joint paper with D. Arlettaz and W. Gajda)
- A support problem for K-theory of number fields, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, t. 331, Série I, (2000), 185 - 190 (joint paper with W. Gajda and P. Krasoń)
- Elementy Algebry Liniowej cz. I i II, Wydawnictwa Naukowo Techniczne, Warszawa 2002, 650 pp. (It is a textbook “Elements of Linear Algebra I and II” written in Polish) (joint work with W. Gajda)
- On Galois representations for abelian varieties with complex and real multiplications, Journal of Number Theory 100, no. 1, (2003), 117- 132 (joint paper with W. Gajda and P. Krasoń)
- A support problem for the intermediate Jacobians of l-adic representations, Journal of Number Theory 100, no. 1, (2003), 133-168 (joint paper with W. Gajda and P. Krasoń)
- Higher analogues of Stickelberger’s theorem, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, t. 337, Série I, (2003), 575 - 580
- Detecting linear dependence by reduction maps, Journal of Number Theory 115, (2005), 322-342 (joint paper with W. Gajda and P. Krasoń)
- On reduction map for ́etale K-theory of curves, Homology, Homotopy and Applications, 7 (3), (2005), Proceedings of Victor Snaith’s 60th birthday Conference (joint paper with W. Gajda and P. Krasoń)
- On the Image of l-Adic Galois Representations for Abelian Varieties of Type I and II, Documenta Mathematica, Extra Volume, John Coates Sixtieth Birthday, (2006), 35-75 (joint paper with W. Gajda and P. Krasoń)
- An imbedding property of K-groups, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 209, (2007), 239-244
- k-invariants for K-theory of curves over global fields, Journal of K-theory 4, issue 2, (2009), 333-346 (joint paper with D. Arlettaz)
- A Hasse principle for Mordell-Weil groups, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, 347, Issues 13-14, (2009), 709-714
- On the image of Galois l-adic representations for abelian varieties of type III, Tohoku Mathematical Journal 62, No. 2, (2010), 163-189 (joint paper with W. Gajda and P. Krasoń)
- Arithmetic of partial fibres in relative position space of Bethe-Ansatz, Open Systems and Information Dynamics 17, issue 1, (2010), 89-106 (joint paper with T. Lulek and J. Milewski)
- Hodge structures in topological quantum mechanics, Journal of Physics, Conference Series (Bristol), 213, (2010) (joint paper with J. Milewski)
- Algebraic and geometric properties of Bethe Ansatz eigenfunctions on a pentagonal magnetic ring, Physica B 406, (2011), 520–526, (Elsevier), (joint paper with J. Milewski, T. Lulek, M. Labuz)
- On arithmetic in Mordell-Weil groups, Acta Arithmetica 150, no 4, (2011), 315-337 (joint paper with P. Krasoń)
- Abstract intersection theory and operators in Hilbert space, Communications in Number Theory and Physics 5, no 3, (2011), 699-712 (joint paper with Y. Uetake)
- Galois Actions on the Eigenproblem of the Heisenberg Heptagon, Open Systems & Information Dynamics 19, No 2, 1250012, (2012), (24 pages) (joint paper with J. Milewski, T. Lulek, M. Labuz, R. Stagraczyński)
- Galois properties of the eigenproblem of a hexagonal magnetic Heisenberg ring, Acta Physica Polonica A121, No 5-6, (2012), 1111-1114 (joint paper with S. Barańczuk, T. Lulek, J. Milewski, R. Stagraczyński)
- Hodge structures and Weierstrass σ-function, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 350, (2012), 777-780 (joint paper with J. Milewski)
- The Stickelberger splitting map and Euler systems in the K-theory of number fields, Journal of Number Theory 133 Issue 3, (2013), 842-870, Special issue of JNT in honor of David Hayes (joint paper with C. Popescu)
- On a local to global principle in étale K-groups of curves, Journal of K-Theory 12, (2013), 183–201 (joint paper with Krasoń)
- Galois Symmetries of Bethe parameters for the Heisenberg pentagon, Reports on Mathematical Physics 71 Issue 2, (2013), 205-215 (joint paper with B. Lulek, T. Lulek, J. Milewski, B. Szydło)
- Wild kernels and divisibility in K-groups of global fields, Journal of Number Theory 133 Issue 10, (2013), 3207-3244
- Mixed Hodge structures and Weierstrass σ-function, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 351, (2013), 551-555 (joint paper with J. Milewski)
- An algebraic Sato-Tate group and Sato-Tate conjecture, Indiana University Math. Journal, 64, No. 1 (2015), 245-274 (joint paper with K. Kedlaya)
- Standard models of abstract intersection theory for operators in Hilbert space, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics, Vol. 63, No. 2, (2015), 149-175 (joint paper with Y. Uetake)
- Motivic Serre group, algebraic Sato-Tate group and Sato-Tate conjecture, Frobenius Distributions: Lang-Trotter and Sato-Tate Conjectures, Contemporary Mathematics AMS, Vol. 663, (2016), 11-44 (joint paper with K. Kedlaya)
- Commensurability in Mordell-Weil groups of abelian varieties and tori, Functiones et Approximatio, 58.2 (2018), 145-156 (joint paper with D. Blinkiewicz)
- Heisenberg and Bethe field extensions applied to magnetic rings, Acta Physica Polonica A, 133 no. 3 (2018), 441-443 (joint paper with D. Blinkiewicz, P. Krasoń, J. Milewski)
- Hecke characters and the K–theory of totally real and CM number fields, Acta Arithmetica 188, no 2, (2019), 125-169
(joint paper with C. Popescu)
- Abstract intersection theory for zeta-functions:\,Geometric aspects, Functiones et Approximatio, 64 (2), (2021), 251-265 (joint paper with Y. Uetake)
- The Tate module of a simple abelian variety of type IV, New York Journal of Mathematics, 27, (2021), 1240-1257 (joint paper with A. Kaim-Garnek)
- On reduction maps and arithmetic dynamics of Mordell-Weil type groups, Acta Arithmetica 210, (2023), 155-174, Ad memoriam Andreae Bobolae Mariae Schinzel, (joint paper with S. Barańczuk)
- A remark on the component group of the Sato--Tate group, Research in Number Theory, Vol.11, 15 (2005), (joint paper with V. Cantoral Farfan)
- Multiple base discrete logarithm and wild 1-motives, (joint paper with D. Blinkiewicz)
- Scattering theory for automorphic forms on adele groups and a spectral interpretation of automorphic $L$-functions, preprint (joint paper with Y. Uetake)
- Motivic Serre group and Sato-Tate conjecture, preprint 97 pp. (joint paper with K. Kedlaya)